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From the Jewish perspective, it's an option, NOT an obligation, for Jews to return to Israel. When the Messiah comes, the Jews will return to Israel because of a desire to be close to the spirituality of the Messiah.

For a number of Christian Zionist groups, Jews must return to Israel to bring on Armageddon and the End of Days. They want this outcome so that Jesus Christ can return and create the Kingdom of God on Earth.

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It's their historical homeland, from which they were forcibly ejected by the Romans. Additionally, Jews were tired of dealing with Anti-Semitism in nearly every nation where they lived.

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it was there promised land

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Q: Why did Jews want to go back to Palestine?
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Where did the Jews go when they exiled from Palestine?

Babylon, the Near East and North Africa.

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Very few Jews went to Ottoman Palestine in the 1840s, since Zionism had not yet developed and Jews generally preferred to stay were they were or go to the United States. Those Jews who went to Ottoman Palestine bought land and settled much like the people already there.

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they fighting because Israel attacked palestine and they trying to take over palestine but they couldn't

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King Cyrus let the Jews go back to Jerusalem. He also allowed Nehemiah, his cup bearer, to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls around the city. Cyrus was very tolerant towards other religions. He thought it was right that he let the Jews go back to their own land and worship their own god there.

Why don't you like Iran OR why don't you like US OR why don't you like Israel?

Reasons for not liking the US: You are a religious fanatic and want to take down western civilization and democracy- which is pretty much the core of American philosophy. You are jealous. Reasons for not liking Iran: It's a dictatorship run by a crazy leader, ahmadinejad, who claims he is the holy Imam and wants to complete the production of nuclear weapons. Muslim Women have no rights- they are forced into marriage, forced to wear a hajib and a small percent are allowed to study/travel. Reasons for not liking Israel: 1. You are an anti Semite and dislike Jews, so naturally you will dislike their homeland and anything that will allow them to live and be happy. Disagreement with the establishment of Israel- Small history: 'Palestine' was a British mandate after the first world war in which the Turks were defeated. Palestine always contained significant population of Jews ever to challenge the Arabs living in Palestine. Britain looked favorably towards the world Zionist movement founded in the 1890s. the movement claimed that Palestine was the land promised by god to Abraham for the Jews and before the christians drove them out of Palestine, it was their homeland. Britain supported the idea of creating a Jewish state within Palestine. During the 1930s, Jews started coming to Palestine. the immigration was speeded up after the world war 2 when many Jews were left homeless (thanks to Hitler) and were desperately looking for a place to go. Britain allowed so many Jews into Palestine that by 1945 the populated of Palestine consisted of 50% Arabs and 50% Jews. In 1948 thanks to the UN the Jewish state of Israel was created.

When was I Want To Go Back To Michigan created?

I Want To Go Back To Michigan was created in 1914.

Who made the remark that the Jews should Go back to Poland?

Helen Smith.

How did the holocaust affect the creation of Israel?

After the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were murdered, the Jews continued to face massive antisemitism in Europe. Poles blamed the Jews for their troubles and pogroms in Poland murdered thousands. Jews sought a place where they would be safe from antisemitism, a place where they would not bother the rest of the world. Great Britain had a mandate on "Palestine" at the time and would split it into Transjordan(later to be named Jordan)and Palestine. The U.K. then allowed the UN to vote on how to split Palestine. The UN approved a Jewish state in parts of the land, and Israel was created. The nations of the world were more than happy to be rid of the Jews, and the Jews were more than happy to oblige. Ironically enough, calls of "go to Israel, Jew" from 60 years ago have turned into "get out of Israel, Jew" today.

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But what if you do not want to go home and just want to go back one page? It's frustrating to have to go home when you try to go back

When do Jews go to Jerusalem?

There is no rule about going to Jerusalem. Jews may visit whenever they want, for different reasons.

Why did some Jews go back to their homeland?

The question answers itself: because it is their homeland.

When was I want to Go Back created?

I Wanna Go Back was created in 1984.