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Because consecutive terms in office were not allowed under the Constitution.

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Q: Why did Houston not seek a 2nd consecutive term in office?
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Sam Houston, during his first term in office, faced the securing of the borders. Sam Houston also had to face many financial policies.

Who was the only president before FDR to seek a third term in office?

The only president before Franklin D. Roosevelt to seek a third term in office was Ulysses S. Grant. However, he was not successful in his bid for a third term.

How many times can a governor be elected in Alaska?

Four years with a two consecutive term limit.

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James Polk was the first president who did not seek re-election after serving his first term in office. Other presidents before him did not serve two terms, but they sought re-election and failed to get it.

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He was elected for the first time in 2002 and took office for a second non-consecutive term in 2012.

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The United States President can serve no more than 2 terms consecutive or interval, for a total of 8 years.

What are the term limits for each House of Congress?

The term of office for a Congressman in the House of Representatives is two years. The term of office for a Senator in the Senate is six years. However, Congress has no term limits; A Representative may serve for as many consecutive or non consecutive two year terms as they manage to get elected for, and a Senator may serve for as many consecutive or non consecutive six year terms as they are appointed for.

How long is a governor's term of office in New Mexico?

New Mexico governors can serve two consecutive terms, but are re-eligible after four years out of office.

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Maryland's Governor serves a four year term and may be reelected for a second four year term. He or she (although there has yet to be she) must sit out for four years before they can take that office again.

How many months is a US president in office?

The presidential term is for 48 months (4 years). A person can serve as president for only two consecutive terms.

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New Jersey governors may serve only two consecutive terms, but are eligible again after four years out of office.