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Aphrodite made her fall in love with Paris.

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Q: Why did Helen go with Paris?
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What does Helens husband Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon do when Paris takes Helen?

they go to Paris's father (king of Troy) and orders that Paris returns Helen to him.

Who did Helen go with to Troy?

Aphrodite spirited Helen away to Troy to be with Paris.

Did Helen want to go to troy with paris?

Yes, Aphrodite had made her fall in love with Paris - Helen, having been made infatuated by Aphrodite, was all too willing to forget her husband Menelaus and go off with Paris.

Who is the wife of Paris?

Oenone was Paris' lover, and Helen was his wife. Helen was known as "Helen of Sparta" and "Helen of Troy. " She was a demigod, as Zeus was her father.

Did Paris ever marry Helen of Troy?

When Paris heard about Helen, he decided to go to see her. Then they fell in love, and Paris stole Helen. When Menelaus heard about it, he collected all of Helen's lovers, and sailed the ships to Troy. They made a deal with Agamemnon, that they are going to fight together, and if they win, Menelaus is going to get Helen, and Agamemnon- Troy.

Who lost his wife Helen when she eloped with Paris?

King Menelaus lost Helen when she eloped with Paris.

Where in The Iliad does it mention Paris taking Helen?

After the Judgment of Paris, in which Paris determined Aphrodite to be the most beautiful of the goddesses in return for the love of the most beautiful woman on earth (Helen), Paris had to go kidnap Helen because she was already married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. In some versions of the myth, she goes willingly.

Whom Paris left for Helen?

I don't believe that Paris had a girlfriend or wife before he had sex with Helen.

Did Paris and Helen ever have children?

No, Paris died in the war.

Who made Helen fall in love Love with Paris?

Aphrodite gave Helen to Paris, so I've always assumed she used here golden apple to make Helen fall in love with Paris. But, some people apparently think Cupid shot his arrow into Helen making her fall for Paris.

What were the full names of Paris and Menelaus in the Helen of Troy story?

The full names of Paris, Menelaus, and Helen are just Paris, Menelaus, and Helen. Family/last names were not usually used in Ancient Greek times.

Why did Aphrodite bribe Paris with Helen?

Aphrodite is the goddess of love: love is the nature of her domain, thus the love of Helen and Paris.