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It wanted Norway's ice free harbors and access to iron ore from mines in Sweden.

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Q: Why did Germany want to control Norway?
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How did Germany manage to get control of the vast coastline of northern Europe?

They invaded Denmark and Norway.

Why did Hitler want control over Norway and denmark?

because he was powerful enough

Was Norway occupied in Germany?

Yes. Norway was occupied by Germany in World War II.

Denmark Norway theNetherlands Belgium Luxembourg France?

They are all European countries that Germany had control in during World War II.

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In what year did denmark and Norway fall to Germany?

Germany invaded Norway and Germany on April 9th 1940 and stayed there until they're surrender on May 5th in Denmark and May 8th in Norway, 1945.

Why did the Soviets want to take over Germany?

Germany is in a central location in Europe. It borders Italy, France, Poland and other countries. With control of Germany they could control Europe.

Is Norway in Germany?

No. Most of Norway shares a border to the east with Sweden.

What are some neighbor countries to Denmark?

It borders on Germany in the south, the North Sea in the west, the Skagerrak in the north, and the Kattegat and the Oresund in the east.

Did Germany occupy Norway World War 2?

Yes. But not all of it wasnt.Yes Norway was occupied by Germany in World War 2. Trust me this is real, I had to do a report on Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, and Germany.

Where do Norway's ancestors come from?
