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Here is an expanded (short) answer:

The original role of Spain in Cuba following Columbus' exploration of the island was to expand the realm of imperial Spain by building settlements and establishing trade with the natives. An additional focus of Columbus and the Spanish Crown was to introduce Christianity to the island. However, this is not what is taught in in many American High Schools and Universities. They continue to demonize the Spaniards as savage pirates who were murders and rapists. Obviously they did not read Colombus' journal entries from the time which are full of his experiences, thoughts and are well preserved and widely available.

I would like to remind everyone that it was the natives in Cuba who decided to attack and kill the Spanish settlers first and through an act of self defense the Spaniards reacted with force to put down their aggressiveness. This set the tone for other Spanish policies towards the natives throughout the rest of the conquest of the Americas.

In addition, many of the natives were killed by diseases that they were not immune to. This was not biological warfare as some teachers, professors and other activists like to teach but was rather an accident.

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Because the Spanish wanted Sugar and Cuba had alot of sugar.

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Q: Why did Cuba want independence from Spain?
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