Discrimination and prejudice are the main reason. They weren't the only one. Hispanic people's also found the same problems. In the gold rush towns both groups were treated poorly. They were charged extra taxes to live in towns, segrated , and gold claims stolen from them.
Racism: He supported harsh treatment of Asians.
Imperialism: He supported American control of territories
peace of vengeance
Pain and death
North Carolina
dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment. measure out
Sebastian Ina tonio making plans to murder Alonso
They were disappointed because Japanese rule proved to be as harsh as that of the former colonial powers.
Harsh Realm - 1999 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M UK:15 (DVD release)
Harsh treatment of slaves can lead to physical and psychological harm, perpetuate cycles of trauma and abuse, and damage the relationships within the community. It can also result in reduced productivity, increased likelihood of resistance or rebellion, and long-lasting intergenerational effects on the descendants of slaves.