Some became powerful from finding metal Ore and started making weapons.
mali and songhai
There were various independent kingdoms in England before they united to become England. Some of these kingdoms were Wessex, Northumbria, Mercia etc.
It was located where several trade routes came together.
They really valued living and then thriving to become very powerful
Ghana and Mali were based on trade in gold and salt. Ghana taxed merchants passing through to become wealthy and dominated the gold trade. Mali did the same, as did Songhai.
The West African kingdoms developed trade from the iron industry smelting tools and weapons. This trade was small until the camel came alone with Mediterranean goods been found in pits as far south as Northern Nigeria.
During the New Kingdom, Egypt created an empire and became the most powerful state in Southwest Asia.
The Asante were one of the indigenous Akan-speaking people that settled in Ghana between eleventh and twelfth centuries. During this period, they successfully became more powerful than other kingdoms through formation of alliances with the neighboring people.
In Ancient Egypt, the most powerful person was the Pharaoh. In modern Egypt, Hosni Mubarak was viewed similarly. However, since his departure, Mohammed Morsi has become the most powerful person in Egypt.
Please be more specific.
The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.
how did aztec empire grow and become powerful