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they didn't

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Q: Why did Albania attack Yugoslavia?
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Related questions

Is Yugoslavia part of Albania?

No. Yugoslavia no longer exists. It existed from 1918 until 1992. Before 1992 Albania and Yugoslavia had nothing to do with each other, and never did. There were plans to incorporate Albania into Yugoslavia after WWII, they mounted to nothing. Albania was born in 1912, Yugoslavia in 1918 as an outgrowth of Serbia that acquired other slavic lands from the Austrian and Turkish empires.

Why didn't Mother Teresa go back to Yugoslavia?

She was not from Yugoslavia but Albania.

Where are the cracks in the iron curtain as seen on the map?

Yugoslavia and Albania were the cracks in the iron curtain.

What is the sea called that is east of Italy and west of Yugoslavia and Albania?

The Adriatic Sea is east of Italy and west of Yugoslavia and Albania.

What the nation on the southern border of Albania and macidonia?


What neighbors Yugoslavia?

Before the breakup of the country, Yugoslavia was bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania.

Countries part of Yugoslavia?

Yugoslavia, subsequently Slovenia (bordering Italy)

What is the approximate distance between Albania and Yugosolavia?

Yugoslavia doesn't exist in 2008...

The Nation on the northern borders of Macedonia and Albania?

Yugoslavia is on the northern border of Macedonia and Albania.

Where are the cracks on the iron curtain as seen on the map?

Yugoslavia and Albania were the cracks in the iron curtain.

What is the name of the southeastern peninsula that contains Albania Bulgaria Greece and Yugoslavia?

This is the Balkan peninsula.

List two countries in Eastern Europe that resisted Soviet dominance?

Yugoslavia and Albania