The hanging hills of Connecticut
Adrian block was dutch explorer in the 1600s and is best known for voyages and explorations to the Americas
fur trade
Holland sent Adriaen Block in 1613.
they found Connecticut in 1646
in 1636 Connecticut was found by Thomas Hooker
The first explorer in Connecticut was Aderian Block. He founded it for the Dutch in 1614.
Adriaen Block explored land around the Connecticut river in 1614
If you mean located/discoveredConnecticut:The Dutch trader Adriaen Block first explored the Connecticut coastline and Connecticut River and established trading posts there.If you mean founded Connecticut:However, the English were the first Europeans to found settlements in Connecticut. These English settlers were previously from Massachusetts.
Aderian Block was a Dutch mariner. He came to America in 1614. He founded Connecticut.
Adriaen Block did so to find the north western gate
The Dutch explorer Adriaen Block founded Hartford Connecticut with his followers in 1633. He was the captain of a Dutch trading ship and sailed up the Connecticut river where he and his followers settled in what is now known as Hartford. Block was the first recorded European to visit the area and his followers were the first to settle in the area. Adriaen Block - Dutch explorer and captain of a Dutch trading ship 1633 - Founding of Hartford Connecticut by Block and his followers First recorded European to visit the area First settlers of Hartford Connecticut