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during the Islamic revolution performed by Iranian nations and under leading of Imam Khomeini the late, U.S Government had many interferences in the interior affairs of Iran such that after the fining of Muhammed Reza Pahlavi from Iran, he settled to America. while U.S had known that Iranian people dissatisfied of Pahlavi and his rule, they protect the Shah. besides U.S government as a colonizer also steel the natural wealth and resources belonged to Iranian people. such a doings lead to cut relation Iran and America after islamic revolution. according to the such factors , imam khomeini could not trust the U.S since that that the past shows that they already betrayed.

The US CIA led a coup d'etat in Iran in 1953, which overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq and installed an imperial Dictatorship. It is the fact that the US meddled in Iranian affairs and was not reticent about it that caused Khomeini to doubt whether the United States would have an honest and sincere relationship with Iran. This was further worsened by the US failure to render the Shah (who was in exile in the US) back to the Iranian government for trial.

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Q: Why dd the ayatollah Khomeini hate the us?
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Why did the ayatollah Khomeini hate the unites states?

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Iranian Revolution?

(1978-1979) a revolution against the shah of Iran led by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, which resulted in Iran becoming an Islamic Republic with Khomeini as its leader, the revolution that transformed Iran from a monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Mullahs (religious leaders) overthrow the US backed Shah and establish a theocracy (religious government) that hated the US, Many Iranians opposed Reza Shah Pahlavi, there was also a hatred of Westernization. There was a revival in Islam, and Ayatollah Khomeini soon emerged as the religious opposition to the Shah. He organized demonstrations and riots, and the Shah eventually left. Khomeini then seized power in Iran.

Why did radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overrun the U.S. Embassy and take American hostage?

Radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overran the U.S. Embassy and took Americans hostage to protest the admission of the Shah of Iran into the United States for medical treatment, or because the US was spying on Iran from inside the embassy.

Why did radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overrun the U.S. Embassy and take Americans hostage?

Radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overran the U.S. Embassy and took Americans hostage to protest the admission of the Shah of Iran into the United States for medical treatment, or because the US was spying on Iran from inside the embassy.

Why is Ayatollah Khomeini important in history?

The biggest Iranian Revolution first started by students and middle class seen overthrown of the last autocratic king Shah Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi), and the return of 15 years in exile of Ayatollah Khomeini, being upped as the first people's choice leader of 1979 Iranian Revolution. As by the west and its allies, Ayatollah Khomeini actually seen as the perfect pious and peaceful character to be, but when Ayatollah Khomeini takes his leader role, he seems to be bigger than himself and sharply be the one responsible spreading the anti-Israel anti-US and instead of just lead Iranian to a peaceful living after the revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini actually gone further actively ready to war with everybody that preventing Iran from rising again as significant political power. He dies in 1986, but his pious potraits can be seen till today being painted in large sizes on some buildings towards the Syuhada Square in Iran central town.

What did khomeini call the US?

the Great Satan

Was the shah of Iran executed in 1979?

No, he fled the country and received medical treatment in the US. Iran, meanwhile, came under the control of Islamic fundamentalists under Ayatollah Khomeini. The Shah died of cancer in Egypt in July, 1980.

Who fought the shahs and the US for his shiite regime?

Imam Khomeini

Who led the over throw of the shah of Iran in 1979?

Iran is mostly Shiites who are deviated from the mainstream straight path of Islam; they visit the graves to perform some practice that invalidates the genuine creed of Islam such as asking the dead people to benefit them, help them or protect them etc. With regard to your question, it was the Khomeini who made the new regime on Iran in 1979. Thx.

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