Chennai-Bangalore distance is shorter than Chennai-Cochin distance.
Chennai populationis more than Bangalore population as per the 2001 survey...
Bangalore is far bigger, actually there is no comparison between bangalore and chennai. Bangalore is IT and AeroSpace capital of India, it is giving food for the poeple from all regions,race,cast of india. If you search in google "why chennai " you will know which city is bigger in all sense.
in 2008 chennai but now Bangalore ( greater Bangalore )
The maximum no. of call centers are located in Bangalore. Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, Chennai are hot on the heels of Bangalore as of now.
No, Chennai is very big than Bangalore. Chennai is the fourth biggest city in India, after Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata. These are the top 10 biggest cities in India: 01. Mumbai 02. Delhi 03. Kolkata 04. Chennai 05. Hyderabad 06. Bangalore 07. Ahmadabad 08. Pune 09. Jaipur 10. Bhopal
Bangalore and chennai
in terms of overall population Bangalore stands ahead as they have included many suburbs under city limits. Chennai has more density of population
hyderabad is a very larger than banglore and chennai interms of area but not in terms of population
Bangalore Chennai
Goa, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Kerala