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I will assume that you are talking about the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Historical Reason:

That is because in the past, when China is democratic under the Nationalist Kuomintang rule, the government is oppressive and corrupt. Officials often pocket funding used for public works or the military for themselves. The country is still suffering from the aftereffects of WWII. There is tremendous public discontent and dissent. The Economy and agricultural sector are in a mess. There is in-fighting amongst various generals and government officials. The government also conduct public executions of all those who opposed their rule or are rumoured to support communism.

Modern Reason:

China is rising to become a great and strong country, after decades of exploitation by the West and Japan. It has shitloads of problems (Pollution, Economic bubbles, Corruption, overpopulation and Separatism etc.) but if it can overcome these problems, I can see that it can even exceed America in development and power.

Its economy is currently at the "cheap mass production stage", which Japan and America have undergone in the past. It should not be democratic at its current state. If it undertakes full democratic reform, there's a chance that it could collapse much like the former Soviet Union, leading to chaos and turmoil in the China itself and the world at large.

Like it or not, the Socialist Chinese government (They are not communists) is the only one that is holding the mega diverse country together. This is why the many China Chinese accept their regime as they want their country to become stronger. Even if democracy does succeed, China has a population over 1 Billion (around 5X the population of the United States). Like in the Late Soviet Union and modern-day India, there is a huge chance that the problem of corruption could worsen and the country will be divided and weak. If a many party-system like Weimar Germany were to pop up, the government will be indecisive and even more divided than before.

Democracy is also not a flawless system. Democratic leaders are often more concerned about their own party's reign and survival than for the good of their country. They may also not make the right decisions for their land and are mostly populists. They will not be able to make the tough(Unpopular) decisions for their country, as they want to keep their voters' votes.

This is why China are resistant to further and more extensive democratic reforms. The communists want to keep their hold on power and some conservatives still think that Communism is still the best form of government (They are kinda stuck in the past).

Despite all this, China is slowly and slowly becoming more democratic. Economic and social controls have been greatly relaxed in China since the 1970s. Scholars and government officials alike recognize the weakening grasp of the People's Republic of China on power. It is becoming more and more clear that drastic political changes are in China's future. China has already started experimenting with democracy in some of its towns and provinces. Some people propose that Confucianism is more suitable for China and provide some rather convincing arguments.

Generally, to many Chinese, Western democracy is too weak and disunited for China. A strong central authority is needed to head the large nation, which means a different system in its entirety. This is why China will never adopt a Western-style democracy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

China is ruled by a small group of people who choose their own successors; this is officially categorized as a self perpetuating oligarchy. The Chinese prefer to call it communism. Democracy would require that the general population be allowed to elect their own government. That doesn't happen in China.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

"Democracy" has many definitions. It can mean "direct Democracy", where people vote on every matter. It can mean "representative democracy" or "republic", where people elect individuals to represent them in the government (the U.S. is a republic). There are other definitions, where the exact meaning of "Democracy" varies bit by bit, but generally, the overriding element in the definition is that the people, or a segment of the people, have the right to vote, directly or indirectly, on any issues that arise.

The Chinese system presents a facade of democracy, but the essential element of "Democracy", an electorate free to vote as it chooses, is lacking. The Communist party in China selects any and all candidates to any office, and the only vote allowed, generally, is for the candidate picked by the party.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Peoples Republic of China has become a more liberalized nation over the past 25 years or so. The avowed Communist leadership has created a semi sophisticated free market society complete with a Stock Market in Shanghai. The government has allowed more freedoms than it ever did before. The problem is the phrase "allowed more freedoms". In China, executive rule comes from the leaders in the Communist Party. Their party is the only legal political and governing party in China. The people have a government that allows the people certain privileges, rather than the reverse which would be that the people control the government and allows that government to follow certain policies.

The bright spot here is that it would almost impossible for the Party to take away what the public now has. So, in the opinion of many political scientists, the future of freedom in China has increased.

However, it remains to be seen of China follows the policies of the former USSR and becomes a "PUtin" type government.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because the ccp wants power and will do anything to get it.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Since communist ideology is different from democracy China Government is not democratic. It is the ideology which make it nondemocratic.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Because the communist party ruling China will not let that happen.

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