A huge labor force that is willing to work for cheap wages, however as wages there are creeping up you can expect to see the sweat shops of the world being relocated.
In order for you to truly understand why things are made in China, you have to understand history. China was the greatest civilization on the earth for thousands of years. They have made things that would take westerners, and other foreigners 100 more years to figure out how to make. The fact of the matter is, the Chinese people are educated, dedicated, and efficient workers. Even if you double their wages instantly, you will still see many things made in China. If you study Goldman Sach's report on the future, then you will see that China is set to claim 25%+ of the world's total GDP in the near future. Although textile companies and other manufacturing may shift to other countries, you can expect China to displace countries like Japan, and Europe in making fine quality goods as the Chinese have historically made. In 20-30 years time, people will not be after a Ferrari, but a Chinese car that no one has heard of yet. Another reason things are made in China is possibly political. Perhaps they have an arrangement with the U.S. government and other foreign governments for loans. If you have not noticed, China owns about $2trillion+ in U.S. treasury bonds, and have extensive investments in countries throughout the world. It's a 2 way street. China isn't just about manufacturing. They are contributing to the world in all sorts of ways.
In recent years, the tendency to move the manufacturing plants back to Europe and North America. The aim is to reduce unemployment and fight the economic crisis.
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This is an important question to ask, as the answer reveals much about our particular moment in history. Not long ago, most stuff was made closer to home. With the advent of cheap transportation and the removal of many barriers to international trade, it became possible for many in developed nations to buy stuff from far away. There are many developing nations in which the cost of labor is much lower than in developed nations. China is, of course, the most populous country on Earth. It stands to reason that much of the supply of stuff comes from there.
So, to reiterate, the three main factors at work are as follows.
An important follow-up question might be, "How long can this go on?" Cheap transportation currently depends on the exploitation of fossil fuels, a nonrenewable resource which will eventually be depleted. Further, if the standard of living rises for laborers in developing nations, their labor may not remain cheap.
One of the reasons why we are getting so many things from China is because of the economy. China makes products for a cheaper price. To learn more, click on the site below.
Everything is made in China because its much cheaper than to get it made in America. The people in China will accepte any amount of money, but in America they will want a good salary.