Simply because there are so many natural raw materials in Pakistan. Its cheaper because of the abundance of these raw materials such as coal and fish e.t.c (end of thinking capacity). :'D and.... well that's all I can think of for now if anyone else has any plz givem I need more reasons....
As of 2021, it is estimated that around 38% of the Pakistani workforce is employed in the primary sector, which includes agriculture, forestry, and fishing. This translates to millions of individuals working in activities related to farming, livestock rearing, and natural resource extraction.
primary occupations are those occupations which produce products directly from the natural resources
As of 2020, about 4% of the Dutch workforce is employed in the primary industries in Holland, which include agriculture, forestry, and fishing. The primary sector in the Netherlands has decreased in importance over the years as the country has transitioned to a more service-oriented economy.
Approximately 5-10% of people work in the primary industry sector in Russia, which includes agriculture, mining, and forestry. The majority of the Russian workforce is employed in the service sector, followed by the industrial sector.
The term primary occupation refers to a field job that involves taking raw material from the environment. There are nine primary occupational categories: 1. Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations 2. Clerical and Sales Occupations 3. Service Occupations 4. Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations 5. Processing Occupations 6. Machine Trades Occupations 7. Benchwork Occupations 8. Structural Work Occupations 9. Miscellaneous Occupations
Approximately 1.5% of people in the United States work in the primary sector, which includes industries such as agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining. The majority of the U.S. workforce is employed in the secondary and tertiary sectors, such as manufacturing, services, and government.
nature of workforce
In 2009, the total number of people employed in primary jobs worldwide was approximately 2.9 billion.
1.They depend on Natural Resources. 2.These occcupations exist from ancient periods. 3.They are fundamental occupations because other occupations depend on them. 4.All occupations of man begin with primary occcupation. Hence,they are basic in nature. 5.Number of people in primary occupation is more in developing regions. 6.Man's wages are less for his manual labour in these occupations.
In 1998, advancements in technology and automation led to increased efficiency in the Primary Industry, resulting in a reduced need for manual labor. This led to 50 percent of the workforce losing their jobs as fewer workers were required to maintain production levels.
Primary : 52.1% Seconary : 14% Tertiary : 23%
Secondary occupations- We get different types of raw material from primary occupations. However, most of it cannot be used directly. We need to process the raw material and make the necessary changes. The occupations that process raw materials and produce new materials are called secondary occupations