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Krill, Euphausia superba, is a sea creature that forms the base of the short food chain in the Southern Ocean that surrounds the Antarctic continent.

No animals live on the continent, but many sea birds and sea mammals visit its beaches to breed. Their only source of food is in the ocean.

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9y ago
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10y ago

Krill are sea creatures and survive in the supremely productive environment of the Southern Ocean which surrounds the Antarctic continent.

There are no krill in Antarctica: it is a continent.

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10y ago

The krill around Antarctica, Euphousia superba, forms the basis of the food chain in the Southern Ocean, which surrounds the continent.

Krill do not live on the Antarctic continent, since it is a marine animal.

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10y ago

Krill plays a very important part in Antarctica's ecosystem, and it is all to do with the food chain. Krill is one of the smallest animals, by definitely not one of the least important! So, the krill is just wandering along when it gets eaten by something like a penguin, the penguin will then be eaten by a seal, which may then be eaten by a killer whale. So, if you look at it, one would not survive without the other. So if we were to take the krill away from the penguin then the penguin would die out, causing the seal to die out, causing the killer whale to die out, you probably get the picture!

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15y ago

It is very important to whales for the reason that it is part of their daily diet along with keeping their population up. infomation by: shady lol:)

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9y ago

The Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, are native to the Southern Ocean: this is their home.

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13y ago

Krill is important because it is the main food source for almost all bigger animals such as whales and orcastras.

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What is krill used for from antarctica?

Krill is the bottom of the short food chain in the oceans around Antarctica.

Do krill breed in Antarctica?

No. Krill breed in the Southern Ocean that surrounds the continent of Antarctica. They do not breed on land.

What part of antarctica does krill come from?

Krill are the foundation of the food chain in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica.

What is being done to stop krill fishing in Antarctica?

There is no commercial krill fishing in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica.

Why do fisherman come and kill krill in antarctica?

because they ike krill

What whales eat in Antarctica?


What is something people can do in order to help conserve Antarctic Krill?

Absolutely nothing. Antarctic krill are massively abundant. They are on of the most abundant creatures on the planet. Dont worry about them.

Where do krill live around Antarctica?

Krill survive in the Southern Ocean which surrounds the Antarctic continent.

What do the whales in Antarctica eat?

Whales around Antarctica eat, krill, plankton and fish!

How do Antarctic krill survive?

Antarctica is a continent and krill are sea animals. The liquid sea is always warmer than the ambient temperature in Antarctica. The cold Southern Ocean is a natural habitat for krill.

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Which continent do Krill thrive in cold waters abound in a fragile ecosystem around?

Krill thrive in the continent of Antarctica