There are many delicious foods that are enjoyed in Chile. Traditional dishes include beef empanadas, corn humitas, and charquican stew.
Empanadas, Cazuela and barbecue
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Common foods in Chile are Pastel de Choclo, Empanadas, Cazuela, and Asado are common foods in Chile.
A common dish in Chile is the Chilean Corn Pie. Chilean Beef Empanadas and Chilean Cocadas are two more common dishes.
They are always empanadas....
There are two types in Chile: baked empanadas (empanadas del horno), and the typical fried empanadas. The baked ones usually have "minced" or chopped meat filling (made with onions and various spices), whereas the fried ones normally have ground beef cooked with onions and spices. The dough is different for each type. There are also other fillings for empanadas (seafood, cheese, ham and cheese, etc), but the beef mixture (called pino) was the typical filling.
Empanadas, chorizo, asado (Argentinian BBQ) and dulce de leche are all popular Argentinian dishes.
Brazil and Chile
Chupallas and Chamantos.
Brazil and Chile
chile relleno