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Greek statues are white because they are carved out of marble.

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Q: Why are Greek statue's white?
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How did roman statues differ from greek statues?

The Greek statues were meant to look perfect. The Roman copied the Greek art and many other stuffs. But some of the things the Roman copied were different. Their statues were not meant to look perfect. They included every single features, unlike the Greeks. These are the reason why the Roman and Greek statues differ

One way Roman statues were unlike Greek statues was that they?

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How did roman statues differ from greek ones?

The Greek statues were meant to look perfect. The Roman copied the Greek art and many other stuffs. But some of the things the Roman copied were different. Their statues were not meant to look perfect. They included every single features, unlike the Greeks. These are the reason why the Roman and Greek statues differ

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Statues and monuments in ancient Greece?

statues in ancient Greece were usually of greek gods and goddess.

How are classical (ancient Roman and Greek) statues like Renaissance statues?

The question should be the other way round because renaissance statues were modelled on classical and Hellenistic statues.

Why are most Greece statues broken?

Most Greek statues are broken because they are thousands of years old

How did statue differ from greek statue?

The Greek statues were meant to look perfect. The Roman copied the Greek art and many other stuffs. But some of the things the Roman copied were different. Their statues were not meant to look perfect. They included every single features, unlike the Greeks. These are the reason why the Roman and Greek statues differ

How many statues are there of Athena the greek goddess?

there are 1300

How did roman statue differ from Greek statue?

The Greek statues were meant to look perfect. The Roman copied the Greek art and many other stuffs. But some of the things the Roman copied were different. Their statues were not meant to look perfect. They included every single features, unlike the Greeks. These are the reason why the Roman and Greek statues differ