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The City of Washington was originally a separate municipality within the Territory of Columbia until an act of Congress in 1871 effectively merged the City and the Territory into a single entity called the District of Columbia. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is known as Washington, D.C. (Wikipedia)

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13y ago

The name the District of Columbia was chosen for the capital of the United States of America by a combination of politics and history. Politically, it was named a district in order to differentiate the area from that of a state or provincial political division as had been popular at the time.

The name Columbia was chosen in honor of Christopher Columbus. The "Columb" part of the word is derived from his name. The "ia" is added to the name just as in the word Britannia for "Land of Britain" but in this case indicates "Land of Columbus," meaning the land that Columbus discovered.

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Article One of the Constitution provides for a federal district, separate from the states, to serve as the capital of the United States. That district is the District of Columbia.

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Q: Why Washington is called District of Columbia?
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What is cit and what is the state for Washington D.C.?

The city itself is called Washington. Washington is not in a state; it is located in a district called the District of Columbia (that is where the DC in Washington, DC comes from). It is between Maryland and Virginia; all the land in the District of Columbia once belonged to Maryland.

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As in Washington? District of Columbia. As in Washington? District of Columbia.

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It means Washington District of Columbia. It's named after President George Washington. It's a District and Columbia is a poetic name of the USA.

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District of Columbia

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District of Columbia District of Columbia

What does DC stands for in the name of American capital Washington DC?

Exactly what the related answers say. District of Columbia .

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before Washington became a state, it was part of Columbia, and called the "district of Columbia" That is also what D.C. stands for.

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Howard University is not in any state, it is located in Washington, District of Columbia which is not a state.Howard University is not in any state, it is located in Washington, District of Columbia which is not a state.Howard University is not in any state, it is located in Washington, District of Columbia which is not a state.Howard University is not in any state, it is located in Washington, District of Columbia which is not a state.Howard University is not in any state, it is located in Washington, District of Columbia which is not a state.Howard University is not in any state, it is located in Washington, District of Columbia which is not a state.

Who drafted a design for the District of Columbia?

The District of Columbia, more commonly called Washington D.C. was designed in 1791 by a man named Pierre L'Enfant.

What does D.C stand for?

D.C stands for District of Columbia as in Washington D.C

What does DC mean in Washington D.C.?

District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia

What state is the Washington monument in?

The Washington Monument is not in any state. It is in the city of Washington, which is in the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is a Federal District not part of any state.