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The longhorns were the only cattle available in America to be used for beef and to send East for beef and for a bit of income.

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Edwin Mitchell

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The market for cattle was someplace else (back East) and there was no other way to move them. Herds of cattle were driven (on the hoof) to where there were railroads that could take them to market.

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Q: Why Texas ranchers sent their longhorns on cattle drive?
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Why did Texas ranchers send their longhorn on cattle drive?

Texas Ranchers sent their longhorns on cattle drives because the demand of the cattle in Texas was low. But high in the north and east. Demand and supply affect the price of nearly everything that was bought and sold - not just the cattle.

After the Civil War why did Texas ranchers drive cattle herds to kansas?

After the Civil War Texas ranchers drove cattle in herds to Kansas because that is where the big stockyards were at the time. It was also a place for the Texas ranchers to use the railroad for shipping cattle elsewhere.

Texas Longhorn Cattles were a mix of?

They were breeded by ranchers in the cattle drive period in 1800's. Spanish and Texan cattles were breeded together to form Longhorns. Citations: TX History Textbook Holt

Why did ranchers decide to drive cattle from Texas to towns along the railroad?

So they could sell it to the city folk

Why did ranchers decide to drive their cattle from Texas to the towns along the railroad?

So they could sell it to the city folk

What are the trips that ranchers would take there cattle on?

Cattle Drive.

How did ranchers move cattle to east during 1870?

Ranchers hired cowboys to gather and drive the cattle east. The expansion of the railroads shortened the cattle drive, enabling the cowboys to simply drive the cattle to the nearest rail stockyard.

How were cattle from Texas moved to the northern railroad?

Texas ranchers grouped their cattle into herds and marched them across the countryside to get to the railroad to be shipped east or west. This was called a cattle drive and needed about 4 or more people on horseback to control where the cattle went.

The herding of cattle from Texas to railroad centers to the north was given the name?

The herding of cattle from Texas to railroad centers to the north was called a cattle drive. Cattle drives took many months to complete. Some of the cowboys would drive the cattle to Kansas and not want to go back to the ranch after being paid. Then ranchers would have to hire more hands the next cattle drive season.

Why did cowboys drive their cattle north from Texas along the Chisholm Trail?

Cowboys took cattle up to Kansas from Texas because they could get a better price for their cattle. They used the Chisolm Trail to avoid passing through areas where it was illegal or dangerous to bring Texas Longhorns, who were known to carry ticks harmful to other cattle breeds.

What was it called when ranchers rounded up their cattle in 1866 and drove them to sedalia Missouri?

A cattle drive.

Why did ranchers drive cattle north from Texas to places like Abilene?

Because often places like these were the closest points to sell and ship their cattle. They didn't have auction marts or sale-barns nor big cattle-liners back then.