There are various reasons that the African country Tanzania is so poor. For example, it is due to improper use of resources.
very poor.
sfsf s
Poor technology
part of Tanzania is rich and part is poor. the rich part is like a nice California beach. the poor part is not horrible but it is hot, and desert-like. the poor area has a lot more diseases because they don't have vaccines to heal them.
The level of poverty in Tanzania is high. Although it's economy is growing with the passage of time, still it's per capita income is very low. Thus, it is one of the poorest countries in the world.
Underdependent economy,poor production of agriculture
you dont get a job unless your uncle owns the office
poor technology, lack of enough capital, lack of knowledge
One of the factors that affect mass communication is poor infrastructure. Lack of knowledge and poverty also affect mass communication in Tanzania.
Rwanda is a poor country meow
poor, use to have gold.
Gemma Sisia is a lady who runs a school in Tanzania. She first did some teaching in Uganda and then she met her husband got married and decided to stay. Her husbands dad gave her a land in Tanzania to build a school for the poor kids of the reason