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When the British prepared to leave British India, they created a number of states from the Indian Subcontinent. Pakistan's original purpose was to serve as a homeland for India's Muslims. It was created in the western region as this area was predominantly Muslim anyway. There were a number of reasons. The main one was that the Muslims who were the comparative minority fear oppression and ill-treatment at the hands of the 'would become' Hindu rulers, as the Caste System of the Hindu culture meant a hierarchical society where some were considered better than others. Those considered less in the eyes of this caste system included the Hindu 'Untouchables' and people of other faiths. Hindus did many things like not allow people in these categories in their homes or showered if they had physical contact with them.

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on 23 march 1940 muslims of india demand a separate homeland in the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

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