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Perhaps off the mark a bit, but to clarify, it is the Muslims who are being killed in Burma as opposed to doing any killing.

The conflict in Burma is not primarily about religion per se. Religion in Burma is an ethnic identifier more than anything and in this case, Islam identifies a person in Rakhine State as being part of the Rohingya People as opposed to the more populous Arakanese People (who are Buddhist). The attacks started from unclear provocation, likely from a rape or murder performed by someone of one ethnicity on someone of the other ethnicity and all of the revenge killings that result.

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Unfortunately at that time a Buddhist monk from Hanzar village of One-dwin township had come into the Meik-hti-lar town as a passenger on a motorbike and they were unknowingly riding through the Da-hart-tan Muslim ward the biggest Muslim quarters in Meik-hti-lar.

Already-agitated Muslims saw the Buddhist monk and chased the motorbike and managed to strike the Buddhist monk from behind with a SWORD and he fell to the ground from his pillion-riding position on the motorbike. He had a long deep gash on back of his head just above his left ear.

Despite the desperate pleas for mercy from the rider the Muslims forcefully took off his robe and brutally dragged the direly-wounded Buddhist monk into the nearby Myo-ma Mosque. Once inside the MOSQUE, they poured ACID and PETROL all over the wounded Buddhist monk and burned him ALIVE. Only his discarded-robe and a large pool of blood were left at the spot on the road where he fell off the motor bike wounded. The Muslim terrorists group have murdered a Buddhist monk at Mosque in Meiktila.

Once that tragic news reached the crowd at the gold shops they immediately marched to Da-hart-tan Muslim ward and burned down the said Myo-ma Mosque and the nearby Muslim houses.

I will tell the real truth. How can we respect a religion (Islam) that condones brutality for any reason?

I can tell you Muslim is worst peoples who follow worst fictitious Islam religion in the world if you’re trying to portray as bad peoples to Buddhist Burmese.

Muslims are causing the all problems in the world. The Muslims KILLED Muslims for following difference Islam. Muslims come to live in other religion host country and they want to change the host country religion and culture. It calls racism and chauvinism of Islam.

Yesterday, Muslims destroyed CHURCH BUILDING in West Java, Indonesia. It happen almost everyday in Muslim countries. I mean, the worst Muslims are ONLY Terrorists, not other religious bad people.

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