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to find a way back to Asia

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Q: Why Did john Cabot travel to England?
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What country did john Cabot travel from?


Who explored the new England coastline fo the Americas for England?

John Cabot

What new land did john Cabot travel to?

New England area of North America

How john Cabot travel?

John Cabot traveled by boat.

Who explored England?

John Capot, Henry Hutson

Italian sea captain who sailed from England?

John Cabot John Cabot

Who sent john Cabot to find Asia?

england sent john cabot

Was John Cabot born in England?

no John Cabot was born in Genoa in italy

Who paid for John Cabot's expedition?

Several wealthy merchants of Bristol, England, paid for John Cabot's first expedition.

Who did Cabot sailed for?

John Cabot sailed for the country of England

What country did john Cabot explore for?

John Cabot, a.k.a Giovanni Caboto, explored for England but he, himself was Italian.

Who sponsored the voyage of John Cabot?

John Cabot was sponsored by King Henry VII of England.