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Q: Why Australia is called land of golden fleece?
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Which country is called land Of Golden Fleece?


Which country is known as land of golden fleece?


Which country is called land as golden fleece?


Jason and the argonauts searched for the golden?

The Golden Fleece. Wherever it was hanged, the land flourished.

Which country is called the land of the golden fleece?

The land of the Golden Fleece is a legendary country, but the Greeks were impressed by the Colchis region of Georgia. A 'golden fleece' may have existed in this area, it was thought that the Colchis civilization used sheeps skins to filter gold from the waters of the rivers that flowed from the Caucasus mountains. The skins would be dried and beaten to release the gold content

The land where the golden fleece was?


Land of golden fleece?

hell yes! I'll take five!

What are the settings of Jason and the golden fleece?

"Jason and the Golden Fleece" takes place in various locations including ancient Greece, the kingdom of Iolcus, and the land of Colchis. The story involves a journey by Jason and his crew on the ship Argo as they travel to retrieve the Golden Fleece.

The land of golden fleece?

its fake need to calm down on the mythology / fantasy

What did Jason search for?

Jason was searching for the Golden Fleece, a magical fleece that could bring peace and prosperity to the land of whomever owned it.

Is Belgium known as the land of golden fleece?

Ancient Greek legends locate this land in the now Republic of Gerogia. Not Belgium

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