The country of England is found in the continent of Europe. Though England is separate from Europe (by water), it is still part of it.
No. Platypuses are found only in the country and continent of Australia.
London, England is in the continent of Europe.
England is not a continent. It is a country located within the continent of Europe.
England is part of the UK and is in the North West of the continent of Europe
England is a country in the continent of Europe.
Northern England is in the continent of Europe.
London, England is in the continent of Europe.
England is part of the island of Great Britain and as an island isn't actually 'on' any continent but is geographically and politically linked to the continent of Europe.
England is part of the continent of Europe and its capital is London.
England is located in the continent of Europe. It is not a continent itself, but rather a country within the continent of Europe.
Yorkshire is not a continent; it is a historic county in Northern England.