The driver's insurance will take the lead, if something extra is needed, the person who owns the car's insurance will be secondary. Both will be involved to some extent.
No, the quotes are not binding. The price that you pay will be heavily affected by your driving circumstances.
driving distance from Montreal to ogunquit Maine
The driving distance is about 12.3 miles
The driving distance from Nebraska (NE) to Maine (ME) is 1,760 miles.
what is the driving distance between chesterville and sugarloaf mountain in maine
The driving distance is about 135 road miles.
About 42.
The driving distance from Rockland, Maine to Bangor, Maine is 71 miles.
The driving distance from Bangor, Maine to Monson, Maine is about 56 miles.
The driving distance from the Maine state line to Moncton is 284km / 176 miles.
The driving distance from Fredericton, Canada to Maine (ME) is 231 miles / 372 km
contact Maine Bureau of Insurance - see related links