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Q: Whom did Ashoka send to Srilanka to spread Buddhism?
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How did the religion like Buddhism and Hinduism develop and spread?

Buddhism first spread from India to china and from china it spread all over Asia. The Chinese government changed Buddhism dramatically and they called Buddhism theirs. Buddhism was originated in India. Buddha was never fat, the Chinese changed the buddha's image and the Chinese changed the teaching. They called Buddhism a religion. Buddhism was never a religion, it was only a teaching or a school or educational system. Never a religion

Why was biddhism established?

Buddhism wasn't established particularly; the man whom we now call the Buddha (which means "the Enlightened One") came to understand the meaning of life by attaining Nirvana. As he taught other about his philosophy and discovery, knowledge of this practice began to spread and was called Buddhism after him.

Whom are some of the most noteworthy gurus of Buddhism?

There are many different and noteworthy gurus in the religion of Buddhism. These different gurus each specialize in their own section of Buddhism, however the most noteworthy would have to be Guru Purnima.

Buddhism was founded around 500 BCE as a result of?

Cultural diffusion

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Islam and by the arabs

what are the religious traditions in Buddhism?

There are several traditions in Buddhism that are practiced even bu those whom do not claim the religion. These can vary with each form, but include meditation, yoga, and zen.

Where is the Hindu religion practiced today?

Hinduism is mostly followed in India, Nepal, Srilanka and some parts of southern Asia. Since the migrant population is large in the technology centric world today, the religion is also spread in parts of UK and US. It is estimated that Hindus worldwide are around 100 crores in number, 80% of whom reside in India.

What is the homeland of Buddhism?

The Dalai Lama's homeland is Tibet, but he has since had to flee to India due to personal and political security issues.

How did Roman leader try to stop the spread of Christianity?

Which Roman leader exactly? Whom are your referring to?

What is gross spread ratio?

Gross spread ratio is the financial return for the underwriters whom write and introduce an initial public offering (IPO) into the stock market.

What is official religious of sri lanka?

Most Sinhalese are Buddhist; most Tamils are Hindu. The Malays and Moors are Muslim. Sizable minorities of both Sinhalese and Tamils are Christians, most of whom are Roman Catholic. The Burgher population is mostly Roman Catholic or Presbyterian . The Veddahs have Animist and Buddhist practices. The 1978 constitution, while assuring freedom of religion, grants primacy to Buddhism.

Why do buddhist's have different ways of worshipping their god?

This question relies on a misunderstanding of Buddhism: Buddhism does not recognize a god or gods. In a nutshell, Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddhārtha Gautama, also know as the Buddha (loosely translated as the Enlightened One, Awakened One, or Enlightened/Awakened Teacher). The Buddha devoted the latter part of his life to helping conscious or sentient beings end avidyā (ignorance), tanhā (craving), dukkha (suffering) through the recognition of pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination), and śūnyatā (the nonexistence or denial of self). Buddha, for whom the religion is named, is only a teacher, not an object of worship. Now, the difference in the practices of Buddhism is the result of cultural differences in the two major philosophies and the places where it is observed and spread. Buddhism is divided (for lack of a better term) into two main branches: Mahāyāna (The Great Vehicle), and Theravada (The Teachings of the Elders). Both divisions originated in India but spread in different directions: Mahāyāna to the north and east, and Theravada to the north and west. Followers of Theravada emphasize the development of insight through analysis and literally the teachings of wise elders (the analysis of those who came before), while Mahāyāna defies easy explanation. Mahāyāna is the more open and plural form of Buddhism that seems to incorporate wise teachings from many sources.