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Greek gods

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Q: Who would win in football the Aztecs or the greek gods?
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Related questions

Approximately how many gods did the Aztecs have?

The Aztecs had over 1000 Gods

How many gods did the ancient Aztecs have?

The Aztecs had over 1000 Gods

How would the Aztecs please their gods?

By sacrificing humans and animals

What did the Aztecs mainly Worshipped?

the Aztecs mainly worshiped gods or idols. they would give human sacrifices to these gods and/or idols. they never worshiped a king or dictator.

What were the names of the gods the Aztecs worshiped?


Why did the Aztecs perform human sacrifices as part of their religion?

The Aztecs wanted to please the Gods, and by sacrificing people to the Gods, they thought it would make the God happy and the God would grant good fortune onto the Aztecs (like good crops or weather).

How did the Aztecs worship in there gods?

The Aztecs worshiped their gods by sacrificing people(even children)

How did the Aztecs try and please their gods?

The Aztecs sacrificed slave and volunteers to please their gods

Would the Egyptian and Greek Gods be false gods to the Christian God?

Yes they would be false gods to Christians. As would the Christian god be a false god to those that believed in the Greek gods.

Why did the Aztecs place such a big importance on ripping out hearts?

The Aztecs practice this sacrificial ritual for their gods. The Mexicas ( Aztecs ) would put the hearts in a tomb and offered them to the gods . They believed that if this was practiced the gods would keep control in universe. Blood and life was very significant in Mesoamerica. When their land was dry , human hearts were offered to the god of rain and this meant that the god would bring rain. The Aztecs practice this sacrificial ritual for their gods. The Mexicas ( Aztecs ) would put the hearts in a tomb and offered them to the gods . They believed that if this was practiced the gods would keep control in universe. Blood and life was very significant in Mesoamerica. When their land was dry , human hearts were offered to the god of rain and this meant that the god would bring rain.

How would you say many gods in greek?

The chief gods of Greek mythology were commonly referred to as the Pantheon.πολλούς θεούςthis is the way to write 'many gods' in greek.

What gods did the Aztecs sacrifice?

mostly sun gods