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The outcome of the Battle of Flamborough Head in 1779 was indecisive. However, two British ships were captured by a joint American/French naval squadron.

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Q: Who won the battle of flamborough head?
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Related questions

When did Battle of Flamborough Head happen?

Battle of Flamborough Head happened in 1779.

How long did the battle of flamborough head last?

It lasted for about a hour. It was fought on 23 September 1779.

Why is Flamborough Head made from chalk?

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Where is Flamborough Head?

On the Yorkshire coast of England.

What Is Flamborough Head?

Flamborough Head is a chalk headland with shear white cliffs on the (North Sea) coast of Yorkshire, England, between Filey and Bridlington.

What landforms are found in flamborough head?

Cracks, caves, arch, stack and stumps

What sea defences are there around Flamborough Head?

Flamborough Head has rocky cliffs and natural coastal formations that provide some natural sea defense. Additionally, there are man-made sea defenses such as seawalls and groynes to help protect the area from erosion and flooding. Over time, these structures have been implemented to help manage the coastline and protect against the forces of the sea.

What is the population of Flamborough?

The population of Flamborough is 2,121.

What did John Paul Jones say and when?

John Paul Jones's most famous phrase is "I have not yet begun to fight!" He said this to Captain Pearson of the H.M.S. Serapis during the Battle of Flamborough Head in 1779.

How many people visit flamborough head per year?

It is estimated that around 400,000 people visit Flamborough Head each year. The area is popular for its scenic coastal views, birdwatching, and outdoor activities such as hiking and wildlife spotting.

Where is flamborough lighthouse?

Flamborough Lighthouse is near Bridlington, Yorkshire. England