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The Siberian tiger is stronger and longer than the black bear and also can eat them, but against brown bears, it would have a little trouble.

Answer 2It depends on who is bigger and the place these two animals are fighting. Black bears can kill siberian tigers if they attacked from the back.
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Grizzly is a lot bigger,fatter,stronger, and its probably a little smarter. Siberian tiger are know for killing brown bears but tigers always have a super difficult fight with a brown bear but a grizzly bear eats brown bear for a DIET. And grizzly would destroy tiger and the tiger for Being stronger,fatter, And if a bear were to strike a tiger with its hands it would probably breaks its neck .

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Q: Who will win in a fight between a Siberian tiger and a black bear?
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A Siberian tiger would win though it depends on experience and size even though the Siberian will be larger it could still go down.

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Definitely the Siberian tiger would easily kill and eat the beaver since siberian tigers are strong enough to kill grizzly bears.

Who would win in a fight a Siberian Tiger or a Black bear?

The black bear would win because it is heavier and can stand up.

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A Siberian tiger is stronger that a bull shark, but not a tiger shark.

Which is most brave between lion and tiger?

male african lion is bravest than siberian tiger.lion(born to fight) ,tiger(born to hunt)

Who would win in a fight between an Elephant a Siberian Tiger and a Silver-back Gorilla?

If the Siberian Tiger attacks the Silver Back Gorilla first, it can defeat it because of its hiding and charging. After that it must face the Elephant and can also defeat it with ease. So, in this way, the Siberian Tiger can win.But when the Siberian Tiger tries to attack the Elephant first, the Silver Back Gorilla goes behind and give a punch to the Siberian Tiger, leading to its death. After that the Silver Back Gorilla attacks the Elephant. It can be a fierce fight or a normal fight. But, the Silver Back Gorilla wins by punching it. In this way, the Silver BAck Gorilla can win the fight.But when the Silver Back Gorilla and Siberian Tiger fights first, and the Elephant hides, the fierce fight between them leads to severe injury. The Siberian Tiger gets severe injury, and the elephant can defeat it with ease.The Elephant charges at the Siberian tiger, stomping it as the tiger dies, while the gorilla gets killed by getting crushed by the elephants foot.Overall the elephant will win because it is so big, heavy, and strong.

Why would a Siberian tiger win a fight against a grizzly bear?

Since siberian tigers are faster and better hunters with good weight and length, the siberian tiger would have a chance to fight the grizzly bear off. In most situations, grizzly bears have been known to kill siberian tigers and siberian tigers have been known to kill grizzly bears. The grizzly bear will do anything to fight down the siberian tiger by using its claws, muscles, and teeth. Since a siberian tiger is good enough when its got its good body weight, then it could definitely win such a fight.

Who would win in a fight tiger or wolverine?

A siberian tiger would destroy a single wolverine.

How do you describe the Siberian Tiger?

it has black and white stripes

Who will win in a fight between 2 wildebeests and a Siberian tiger?

It depends on the size and speed of the Siberian tiger, and the weight, size, and health of the 2 wildebeests. The Siberian tiger is stronger, heavier, and longer than a lion although a lion can run faster than a tiger. Wildebeests can injure lions by hitting them with their horns or kicking them with their hooves, which makes them quite dangerous. 2 wildebeests can kill a lion by charging at it and goring it to death in the head. For a Siberian tiger, 2 wildebeests can have a chance to win if they did not run away from the tiger. Running away from the Siberian tiger will provoke the siberian tiger to charge and bring down the wildebeest as the other one escapes.

What is the difference between a tiger and Siberian tiger?

The difference between them are Bengal tigers live in Asia (India mainly) and siberian tigers live in siberia hope it helps

What is the difference between a Siberian tiger and a white Siberian tiger?

White tigers are Bengals, not siberians. Siberians are slightly larger than Bengals.