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They weren't named.

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Q: Who were the two robbers that were crucified next to Jesus?
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Were there 2 or 4 robbers crucified with Jesus?

There were two criminals crucified with Jesus.

Whom did Jesus die with?

he was crucified with two robbers

Who was crucified by Pontius Pilate?

Jesus and two robbers were crucified by Pontius Pilate.

Who was with Jesus during crucifixion?

two robbers were crucified with Jesus, everyone watched

How many people were crucified alone side jesus?

There were two robbers, who were crucified along with Jesus, one on each side.

Who were crusified with Jesus?

Two other robbers where on each side of Jesus when he was being crucified.

Who else was on the cross with Jesus and how old were they?

There were two robbers on the cross , one on each side of Jesus they were in their middle years.

How many other people was with jesus when he was crusified?

Beside Jesus there were two robbers , who were also crucified one on each side.

Where in the bible do it say Jesus was crucified with thieves?

See Matthew 27: 38 - "Two robbers were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left".

What were the crimes of the two men who died next to Jesus on the cross?

Matthew 27:38 - Then two robbers were crucified with Him, one on the right and another on the left. [NKJV]The NKJV says in verse 38 Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand and another on the left.

Who were the other 2 men on calvary with Jesus?

The other two men who were also crucified on each side were robbers.

What is the meaning behind 3 crosses on a hill?

The three crosses stand for the three crosses in which Jesus and the two robbers were crucified.