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Charles Follen, Charles Beck and Francis Lieber

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Q: Who were the three German Turners who fled to the US to escape political oppression in Germany?
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What are Germany's political factors?

Germany's political factors is directly correlated to German political beliefs and culture. Germans believe in basic rights, as well as a democratic and social federal state.

What has the author Karin Jacoby written?

Karin Jacoby has written: 'Politik mit Sprache' -- subject- s -: Elections, German language, Hesse - Germany -, Hesse - Germany -. Landtag, Political aspects of German language, Political oratory, Rhetoric

What does alex turners dad work as?

a music teacher and his mams a German teacher

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Which political group in Germany ordered the Holocaust?

National Socialist German Workers Party aka the Nazi party

What was the name of the new political party that sprung up in the early 1930s in Germany?

National socialist german workers party

Who did Germany get independence from?

Germany never "got independence". Germany was formed by way of military and political unifications of previously independent and sovereign territories. The last states to join the German Confederation were the southern German states of Bavaria, Baden, Wurttemberg, and (the now French) Elsass-Lohringen.

Where did the Nazis lived?

Nazism was a German political movement and therefore vast majority of Nazis were German (and/or Austrian once Austria was absorbed by German). Most Nazis therefore lived in Germany and Austria. There were other similar political movements in other countries which are sometimes refered to as "Nazi" but these were on a much smaller scale to the German party.

What major political party was born in Germany after world war 1 and what did the party believe?

The major political party that was born in Germany after WW-1 was the Nazi party. The Nazi party believed that the treaty of Versailles was unfair to the German people.

What was the German political party during ww2?

The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) or 'National Socialist German Workers Party' (Nazi) controlled Germany after Hitler became Chancellor & President in 1933 until Germany was defeated in the Second World War. This party is now outlawed in Germany.

What political party was in power in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s?

Nazi or National Socialist German Workers Party.

What is the role of the German chancellor?

The German Chancellor is the head of government in Germany, responsible for setting government policy and representing the country both domestically and internationally. The Chancellor is elected by the Bundestag (German parliament) and leads the executive branch of government.