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Gough Whitlam

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Q: Who was the prime minister of Australia at the time of cyclone Tracy?
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Who is the vice president of Australia?

Australia has a Prime Minister, not a president. Australia is a Constitutional Monarchy, not a Republic. In 2011, Australia's Prime Minister is Julia Gillard and the Deputy Prime Minister is Wayne Swan.

Who was the Prime Minister of Australia in 2009?

Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister of Australia in 2009.

Does Australia also have a prime minister?

Australia's government is led by the Prime Minister. Australia does not have a president.

Who are the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Australia?

The current Prime Minister of Australia is Ms Julia Gillard and the Deputy Prime Minister is Mr Wayne Swan.

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Michaelia Claire Cash is the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women for Australia.

Was Scullin the 9th Prime Minister of Australia?

Yes, James Scullin was Australia's ninth different Prime Minister and thirteenth prime minister.

Does Australia have a prime minister or president for their country?

Prime Minister.

What is the middle name of Australia's prime minister?

Australia's Prime Minister in 2010 is Julia EileenGillard.

The prime minister of Australia in 1840?

Australia was a colonial outpost of Britain in 1840, it did not have a Prime Minister.

Who was prime minister of Australia in 2009?

In 2009, the Prime Minister of Australia was the Hon. Kevin Rudd.

Who is the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service for Australia?

Eric Abetz is the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service for Australia.