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Abraham Lincoln

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Q: Who was the president of the unuted state during the civil war?
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What state has the same name as a famous US president whose term was during the Civil War?

No state is named after a Civil War era president. The only state named for a president is Washington State, named for our first president, George Washington.

Who was the president of the conferate state during American Civil War?

Jefferson Davis.

Who was the president when nevada became states?

Lincoln was President. Nevada became a state in 1864, during the Civil War.

The capital of this state has the same name as a famous US president whose term was during the civil war?


Why was Jefferson Davis so important?

He was the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. He did not want to secede (separate) from the Union, at first, but supported it after his state seceded. He then became the president of the Confederate States of America and led them into battles during the civil war, but did not succeed. Instead, he lost the war and was thrown into jail.

Was Minnesota a Confederate or Union State during the Civil War?

Minnesota was a Union State during the Civil War.

Which state provided 90 percent of the copper during the Civil War?

which state provided 90 percent of the south's cooper during the civil war

When was the US the seven state to secede during the civil war?

Type your answer here..they didnt secede until president lincoln told the country it was not ok for every state to have their own laws and then the southeners seceded

Was Mississippi a slave state or free state during the civil war?

a slave state

Was Pennsylvania a free state or slave state during the civil war?

free state

What does 'Battle Born' on Nevada's state flag mean?

Nevada became a state during the US Civil War, that is where "Battle Born" comes from.

What was Pennsylvania during the civil war?

It was a northern state.