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the sons of liberty

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Q: Who was the group of patriots that protested british laws?
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Who were the group of Patriots who protested British laws?

The Sons of Liberty were one main group that opposed British laws. There were also many other groups like the Boston Tea Party activists and the free masons.

How did the colonists protested against British laws and regulations?


Mohandas gandhi protested british laws by?

using methods of civil disobedience, that is, refusing to obey laws considered to be unjust. =)

Why can British only make a law but not patriots?

because british wanted money and british wouldnt let them make laws :)

What term was used to describe a colonist who resisted British tax laws?


What was the name of the group that protested against laws like the stamp act?

That was pretty much the Sons of Liberty group.

What is the group of British people who made laws?

The British Parliament

What made the british king declare the colonist to be rebels?

they protested being ruled by Britain and when called treasonous they said make the most of it

How did the daughters of liberty protest the new tax laws?

The daughters of liberty protested the new tax laws by boycotting British goods (like tea, glass, or other things that weren't essential for survival) and making their own products instead of buying them from the British (made butter, clothes, milk, etc.)

The who is a person who has the responsibility to carry out the laws of the legislature or decrees of Supreme Court?

No. The Who is a British rock group.

What is different between a patriot and a loyalist?

Well for one thing the patriots were against the acts that were passed on from King George the third. They were ready to fight against it. The loyalist were in support of the British ideas and rules of passing down the laws and taxes.Well for one thing the patriots were against the acts that were passed on from King George the third. They were ready to fight against it. The loyalist were in support of the British ideas and rules of passing down the laws and taxes.

Who protested tax laws in parliament?

Patrick Henry!! :D