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The USA managed to drop a few bombs on Tokyo from Aircraft Carrier borne B25's early in 1942 as a direct retaliation for Pearl Harbour. The Aircraft Carrier was spotted before it was close enough and the planes had to take off much earlier and further from Japan than planned. All of the planes dropped their bombs and, without enough fuel to get back to the carrier, flew on hoping to land in China. Towards the inevitable end of the war, the USA assumed all responsibility for dealing with Japan and bombed the living daylights out of them hoping to avoid a bloody and costly land based troop invasion.

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Q: Who was the first to bomb japan in World War 2?
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Did the atomic bomb happen first or japan surrendering in world war II?

The Atomic bomb had to drop first, because after the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered.

The first atomic bomb was dropped in?

Hiroshima ,Japan during world war 2

What did nagasaki do in World War 2?

It served as the second target for the atomic bomb since Japan didn't surrender with the first bomb.

Which nuclear bomb was first in World War 2?

The Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1942.

When World War 2 began IN JAPAN?

World War 2 began for Japan the second they dropped the first bomb on the United States in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 12/7/41. Japan received their first bomb on their nation when the Doolitle raid occurred 4/18/42.

Why was the second atomic bomb used?

The second atomic bomb was used on Nagasaki because Japan did not surrender after the first bomb on Hiroshima. The goal was to force Japan to surrender quickly and end World War II.

Who is the made the first atom bomb?

The USA created the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in the closing stages of World War Two. They used it to defeat Japan.

How was the atom bomb used in World War 2?

so far only two atom bomb were used,both on japan. the first on hiroshima japan aug 6th 1945

Did the Americans bomb japan in World War 2?


What war did the US drop the atom bomb on japan?

World World 2

Why is the atomic bomb important to World War 1?

The atomic bomb was sopower full that japan surrendered a couple days after the second bomb. This nuclear weapon is what led World war II to an end. Not World war I

What did the leaflet dropped after the first atomic bomb in World War 2 warn Japan to do?

Probably, "Leave the City, NOW!"