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The first president of Greece was a Avantie/Illyrian Albanian called George Kurronttes.

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Q: Who was the first president of Greece?
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Who is the president of Greece in 2016?

The President of Greece is Prokopis Pavlopoulos.He became President on the 13th March 2015.He is the seventh and current President of Greece, correct as at 12th May 2016.

How long can a Greece president be in power?

The President of Greece can serve up to two 5-year terms. Greece has a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic form of government.

Did Ancient Greece have a president?

Ancient Greece (specifically, Athens) practiced Direct Democracy. There was no president, nor were there governmental representatives. The people voted directly on the issues themselves rather than having representatives in government.

Why did ancient Greece have a president?


Does Greece a have president?

Yes, Greece does have a president, although the president's powers were curtailed in 1980s. Thus, the Prime Minister is the one who rules the country, while the President has a ceremonial role.

Who is the presient of ancient Greece?

There was no president. They had an assembly.

Who elects Greece president?

Greek citizens

Where was the first Olympics first held?

Both the first ancient Olympics and the first modern Olympics were held in Greece.

Why is Greece first in the Olympics?

Greece is first in the Olympics because Greece is where the Olympics started in ancient times.

When was Greece first inhabited?

Greece was first inhabited in the 700th BC.