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The question is a little vague. The first ever president of Germany was Reichspresident Friedrich Ebert (born 4 February 1871 in Heidelberg, died 28 February 1925 in Berlin) who held the office from 11 February 1919 - 28 February 1925 (died in office).

The last Reichspresident was Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg (born 2 October 1847 in Posen, died 2 August 1934 at Gut Neudeck estate, East Prussia) who held the office from 26 April 1925 - 2 August 1934 (died in office).

The first post-war president of Germany (Bundespäsident)was Theodor Heuss (born 31 January 1884 in Brackenheim, died 12 December 1963 in Stuttgart) who held the office from 13 September 1949 - 12 September 1959.

The last Bundespäsident was Horst Köhler(born 22 February 1943 in Skierbieszów, Poland), who held the office from 1 July 2004 - 31 May 2010.

Köhler was forced to resign from the office following criticism of comments he made regarding Germany's involvement in Afghanistan.

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Q: Who was the first and last president of Germany?
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