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Charles Sumner

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Q: Who was the Massachusetts senator and staunch abolitionist?
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What is a sentence using staunch?

The senator is known to be a staunch supporter of your firm.

Which abolitionist wrote The sacred animosity between freedom and slavery can end only with the triumph of freedom?

Charles sumner, repuplican senator from massachusetts.

Was Preston Brooks for or against slavery?

Preston Brooks was for slavery. He was a staunch defender of the institution and was known for his violent defense of the practice, including his brutal caning of Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist, on the Senate floor in 1856.

Abolitionist senator who was attacked on the floor of the senate?

Senator Charles Sumner

How can you use staunch in a sentence?

During Barack Obama's presidential campaign, Senator Ted Kennedy was a staunch supporter of this candidate.

Was Charles Sumner beaten?

Yes. Charles Sumner was a Radical Republican and abolitionist Senator from Massachusetts. One day, after giving an inflammatory speech against slavery, a Southern Senator beat Sumner with a cane while Sumner was sitting at his desk in the Senate chamber.

Where did the abolitionist movement take place?


Was Charles sumner an abolitionist?

Yes. Charles Sumner was a Radical Republican and abolitionist who served as a U.S. Senator during the Civil War.

Which US Senator was beaten for his anti-slavery beliefs?

On May 22, 1856, abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner, a Free Soil senator from Massachusetts, was beaten with a cane on the Senate floor by Senator Preston Brooks, a Democrat from South Carolina. He needed three months to recuperate. Brooks resigned in July, was re-elected in August and again in the November regular election, but died of croup in January 1857.

What state does senator sumner represent in congress?

Charles Sumner was a Massachusetts Senator.

What is a sentence using senator?

Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts died yesterday.

Was JFK governor of Massachusetts?

No. He was a Representative and then a Senator before being elected President.