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Lord Mountbattern who was Louis of Battenberg, the great grandson of Queen Victoria, and second cousin of George. The family changed its name from Battenberg to Mountbatten. He was responsible for the division of India and Pakistan (today Bangladesh and Pakistan)

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Q: Who was responsible for the separation of India and Pakistan?
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Why east Pakistan seprated from weast Pakistan?

Separation Movement in East Pakistan Started after Nation Assembly Elections in 1971. Political crisis were not tackled effectively by the statesmen of that time. Further to it Pakistan and India got involved in war which resulted in separation of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) from West Pakistan.

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Before 14 August 1947, Pakistan was a part of united India. Muslims of India resolved on 23rd March 1940 that would go for their separate homeland. So, all Muslims of India who were in favor of this resolution started a political struggle which resulted in the separation of Pakistan from India.

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No, I donot .I think the boundary between them should vanish and they should live together.

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they drank a big cup of chai like a somebodeeeh ! de yes you get what I meanz PAKISTAN 4 LIFE india very bad okay rakeesh india not goord Pakistan very gorrd

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The Indian subcontinent was partitioned into?

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