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Q: Who was general of Mexico army 1835?
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What did General Cos do in Texas in 1835?

He marched back to Mexico.

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Lord Robert Manners - British Army major-general - died in 1835.

General led the siege of Mexico City?

It was general Winfield Scott, A U.S. Army general.

Who commanded the American army in Mexico?

General Winfield Scott.

Who was Former Red Army general who was assassinated in Mexico?

Leon Trotsky.

What factors weakened the Texas army at the end of 1835?

Everone think it was general grant but really it was teh fall of the alamo and the soilders.

What factor weakened the Texas army at the end of 1835?

Everone think it was general grant but really it was teh fall of the Alamo and the soilders.

When was Texian Army created?

Texian Army was created in 1835.

This army officer captured the area of New Mexico?

General Stephen Kearny

When did Texas break away from Mexico?

In 1835.

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General who led a us army from vera cruz to Mexico city?

Winfield Scott