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Q: Who was allowed to vote during reconstruction in Florida?
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Which group of people was allowed to vote during the reconstruction?

African Americans

What were the effects of the reconstruction act?

African American were not allowed to vote.

What main advantages did the African American slave enjoyed during reconstruction?

African American slaves enjoyed a period when they were allowed to vote. :-)

What did it mean for a state to disenfranchise in the south after the civil war?

The "franchise" is the right to vote; to "disenfranchise" means to deny someone the right to vote. In the south after the war, during reconstruction, white men generally were not allowed to vote, and the freed slaves were allowed to vote. As soon as reconstruction was over whites regained political power and though various laws (poll taxes, literacy tests) again disenfranchised the blacks. (No women could vote until 1920).

Reconstructon how did the put the country back together?

During Reconstruction, the governments of the Southern states were removed and new elections were held where black people were allowed to vote.

What laws were passed during the reconstruction?

What laws were passed during the reconstruction?

Radical republicans passed a series of laws designed to?

Radical Republicans rewrote the Reconstruction and Force acts. These were to block blacks from being allowed to vote during elections.

When rome was a republic who was allowed to vote?

Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.

What did grandfather clauses mean to African Americans who wanted to vote?

They could not vote if their grandfather had not been allowed to vote.

Was everyone allowed to vote during the early roman times?


Why were former confederates unable to vote during military Reconstruction?

they were unable to take an oath that they had been loyal to the union

Which constitutional question was central to the issue of Reconstruction?

During Reconstruction, the constitutional question the government was concerned about was giving African Americans the right to vote. They were also concerned about their civil rights.