

Who was a tryant?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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12y ago

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- AA tryantt ihss someonee thatt suck peniss ! lolss

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It should be with Thrax Ironhide in Marsh2.

Was king george the third a tryant?

He was no tyrant and he was a popular king. He was just mentally ill.

In Ancient Greece what was a tryant?

A prominent citizen appointed by the majority to suppress aristocrats who were suppressing them. The oligarch was installed to govern for the benefit of all, not just a powerful group.

In what ways did napoleon's support of revolutionary ideals contrast with other actions that he took?

Napoleon embraced the Revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality, and faternity, however, Napoleon was also a tryant.

A tryant rules by force and not by what?

A tyrant rules by force and not by consent or legitimacy. They often impose their will on others through oppression and fear rather than honoring the rights and well-being of their subjects.

What was Ray Bradburys attitude towards the government?

He probably disagreed with the governments decisions at the time considering the fact that he wrote a book "Fahrenheit 451", which is about a "tryant" "rebelling" against the government for banning books.

What is Hitler's legacy to world history?

well realistical he was a Tryant.....a dictator a and mass murderer..... while at the same time he was a brilliant orator........a tactical genius.......and someone who knew how to manipulate events into going his way.

What types of government existed in the city-states?

Monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, radical democracy.