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Q: Who was a Japanese ritual suicide due to a warrior braking the law?
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What Japanese warrior is known to commit suicide when disgraced?

The Japanese samurai were known to commit ritual suicide, or seppuku, when defeated to avoid disgrace at the hands of enemies. During World War II, this tradition expanded to other Japanese soldiers.

Seppuku is ritual suicide that is performed in order to?

Seppuku is a form of ritual suicide used by Japanese samurais. It involves disembowlement and is performed in order to die with honor rather than at the hands of the enemy.

what is seppuku and bushido?

Seppuku was a ritual form of suicide performed by the samurai. Bushido means "way of the warrior". This was a code that was popularized in Edo period Japan to justify the lofty status of the samurai class within Japanese society.

What does the Japanese characters on a seppuku mean?

'Seppuku' refers to a form of ritual suicide.

How do you use the word 'ritual' in a sentence?

It was a ritual that i had to open my presents on Christmas

Which language does the word 'harakiri 'belong to?

The word "harakiri" belongs to the Japanese language. It refers to a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment as practiced by samurais in Japan.

How much does it cost to perform a ritual suicide?

Suicide is not usually performed in a ritual manner, but if it is, the cost would depend upon the kind of ritual that you wished to use. If you wanted to perform the Japanese ritual disembowelment known as hara-kiri, possibly you might wish to buy an authentic Japanese sword for the purpose, but then, you could also perform this type of ritual suicide with any other large knife at your disposal. If you want a Satanic ritual, you might have to invest in some black candles, which is a minor expense. But really, rituals can be of many types and many costs. Self-immolation on a barge, on top of a pile of logs, could be quite pricey (also very painful). The only thing we can say for certain, is that ritual suicide will cost your life. Of course, so does the garden variety, non-ritual suicide. Suicide can be expensive in the sense that once you are dead, you no longer own anything. But then, perhaps you already don't own anything, we don't know. I see little reason to think that suicide is better if it is performed in a ritualistic manner.

What does hurry curry mean?

Hurikuri is the ritual suicide of a samurai. In many situations, when there family was dishonored, the Japanese warriors were required to kill themselves.

In japan do the still do ritual suicide?

It is not ritual. They commit suicide because they do not want to face the shame of defeat. But, they still commit suicide but only for shameful reasons

What is ritual suicide of Hinduism?

There is no ritual suicide in hinduism. Of course, traditonally a soldier will embrace death rather than defeat.

Which Japanese suicide technique translates to the English belly cutting?

切腹 (seppuku) and 腹切り (harakiri) both use the Kanji "cut" and "stomach" and are ancient forms of Japanese ritual suicide originally reserved for Samurai to give them an honorable death instead of being killed by their enemies.

What does it mean to commit harry-carry?

hari kari is ritual Japanese suicide. You basically cut yourself open with your sword while a "friend" chops your head off. Seriously.