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Q: Who united northern Italy?
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What did Camillo Di Cavour help Italy?

He united northern italy by starting and winning wars against Austria. He also tried to unite southern Italy with northern italy. He attempted this by starting nationalist rebellions in the south. He merged northern and central italy. He united most of Italy.

How was northern Italy different fot the southern Italy from beginning of the renaissance?

Northern Italy was governed by various kingdoms and dukedoms, whereas Southern Italy was part of the Byzantine Empire. All these independent states and regions became part of a united Italy in 1861.

What is true about the Etruscans?

They settled in northern Italy.

What is river in northern Italy?

The Po river is the river in Northern Italy.

What is the economy of northern Italy based on?

Northern Italy is industrial.

How did the Northern Renaissance differ from Italy?

Southern Italy was more similar to northern Europe Northern Italy had formed citystates, and southern Italy had not. Southern Italy still had feudalism, while northern Italy did not. Northern Italy had formed citystates, and southern Italy had not.

Is Italy uin the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

Italy is in the northern hemisphere.

Italy is in which hemisphere?

Italy is in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. Glad it helped!!

What river flows in northern Italy?

parma river borders the northern part of Italy

What is the north of Italy called?

Northern Italy

Where are the Alps located in Italy?

Northern Italy.

Is Sardina a country?

It used to be. In the early 1800's Italy was not united. There were three major parts. Sardina (Northern Italy), the Papal States (Central Italy) and Sicily(Southern Italy). The Italian Unification movement throughout the 19th century united the country.