Ponce de Leon.
Palos, the port near Huelva. It's interesting to note that Palos in Granda, Spain was liberated from the Moors (Muslims) around 1487. Also interesting to note is that Columbus sailed from the port just beating a deadline set by the Edict of Expulsion which ordered the expulsion of all Jews and Muslims from Spain.
Ponce De Leon had sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage and had later helped take over Puerto Rico.
In 1492.
columbus is a person who sailed on the pinta, minta, and Santa Maria voyage
fernando columbus
Columbus sailed from Lisbon, Castile and finally on his voyage of 1492 he sailed from Palos de Frontera in southern Spain
Juan Ponce de Leon first sailed with Columbus on his second voyage in 1493. He made his last voyage, to Florida, in 1521.
Christopher Columbus sailed from Italy to Portugal as a teenager. This voyage ended in shipwreck. He did not sail again until 1492.
in 1492 christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Christoper Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492!
There's a rhyme for that that goes "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Christopher Columbus' first voyage was on August 3, 1492.