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Vasil Levski - a Bulgarian revolutionary, renowned as the national hero of Bulgaria.

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Q: Who said Judge me by my act and not by my words?
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Who said Judge a man by his actions not his words?


What acts as the judge and jury?

Not surprisingly, a Judge and Jury act as judge and jury.

What did Patrick Henry's fiery words helped to defeat to stamp act?

he said he had a tiny dick

Was my judge right to order a restraining order on my lover to keep him away from my kids at the request of my spouse?

It's not a debatable question. The judge IS the judge! If you believe he is wrong, petition the court for an appeal to his ruling. That being said - - if your husband has convinced the judge that your lover is a danger to your children, either physically, mentally, or morally - then he probably DID act correctly.

Can a judge change an Act of Parliament if it is incompatible with the Human Rights Act?

of course he or her can

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Words said in passing in a court case in the UK refer to comments made by the judge or legal professionals (such as barristers or solicitors) that are not central to the main legal arguments being presented. These remarks are not binding as legal precedent but may provide insight into the judge's thinking or help clarify certain points.

How do you use judge in a scentence?

The judge gave a solid "10" to the act. Why judge people based on their appearance? Don't judge a book by it's cover.

How can you tell when a girl loves someone?

When you see them with other people judge them on how they act... then judge again on how they act with who they love... im sure there will be a huge difference in how they act... just keep your eyes open

How do you get permission from a judge to perform an illegal action?

No judge will (or can) give you permission to perform an illegal act.

An official whose main job was to interpret the law and act as judge in court cases?

A judge

What can the science of economics not help judge?

How people will act.

What question does a judge ask you when you want to keep your car?

The judge may ask - are you going to act responsibly.