Five hundred Mexican pesos are equal to 38.10 US dollars. There are 13.12 Mexican pesos in one United States dollar.
In good condition as much as 500 or $600 that
Mexican Pesos? At today's exchange rate, 8-1-2011, about $8.58 US dollars.
As of 11-6-11 2 Mexican pesos are worth about .15 US dollars.
As of today (01APR2011), 5,000 Mexican Pesos (MXN) is worth about $422.42 US Dollars.
As of 11-6-11 20 Mexican pesos are worth 1.48 US dollars.
10,000 Mexican pesos are worth 740.12 US dollars as of 11-6-11.
660 Mexican Pesos is worth the same as $56.26 in US currency.
It is worth 5 cents In the United States
It is worth some 2,105 dollars (Aug 2011).
six hundred us dollars
about $1.20 US