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Its the people first. The Muslim minority in India (before 1947) felt the aspiration to have their own homeland. They thought they were severely discriminated and deprived by the majority Hindu population.

Leaders had to play their role to organise the movement for a separate homeland. Muhammad Ali Jinnah came forward and played his part of contribution.

As a recognition Pakistani people prized him with the title Quyed-e-Azam

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The Pakistani flag was designed by Amiruddin Kadwai. His design was adopted shortly before Pakistan gained its independence in 1947.

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not the founder of pakistan it was actually quaid-l-azam! he founded pakistan...

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Mr. Amiruddin Kidwai designed Pakistani Flag. The National Flag of Pakistan contains two Colors i.e. Green and White. Pakistani Flag is also known as Parcham-e-Sitara-o-Hilaal.

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What year was Pakistan's flag made?

The Pakistan Flag was made more than 150 years ago.

When Pakistan flag was made?

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Who desinged Pakistan's flag?

The flag of Pakistan was designed by Amirrudin Kidwai.

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Pakistan's flag has one white star.

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The crescent in the Pakistan flag stands for bright fortune.

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Pakistan's flag's star has five corner's to represent the five pillars of Islam.

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The national flag of Pakistan was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai

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The flag with a crescent moon and a star is Turkey's flag.

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About the flag: The flag shown is a proposed flag for Islamabad - the capital of Pakistan. Dr. Tariq S Marwat, 18 September 2004. Founder Chairman - Flag Society of Pakistan. The flag for Islamabad - capital of Pakistan - is primarily based on the National Flag of Pakistan. The diagonal design is to differentiate it from the national flag. The square shape is to make the triangles symmetric. The star and crescent are 'regular' as in the national flag. The black color is added to give it a distinct look. Black was the color used for the flag at the time of the conquest of Makkah by our Holy Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

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Who made the flag of Pakistan?

Syed Amir-uddin Kedwaii created the Pakistani flag.