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James cook

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12y ago

Raold Amundsen led that expedition, the third of three of his expeditions to the continent.

You can read more about this expedition, below.

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it was mike ocksbig

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Q: Who led the first group of explorers to Antarctica?
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Who led the first group to antarctica?

James Cook

Who led the first group of explorers to reach South Pole?

Roald Amundsen was their leader.

The first group of explorers to reach the south pole was led by who?

Roald Amundsen was their leader.You can read more on Wikipedia:http:/'s_South_Pole_expedition

What second group of explorers to reach the South Pole was led by who?

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assuming you mean up mount Everest, the first people known to get to the top were a group of explorers led by sir Edmund hillary

In what year was the Corps of Discovery?

The name applied to a group of explorers led by Lewis and Clark.

How far is it from one end of Antarctica to the other?

American Will Steger led a group of six explorers who walked across the length of Antarctica -- from the Antarctic Peninsula past the South Pole to Mirny. He measured this distance at about 3,700 Km, which took the team 220 days to trek across. This is known as the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1989-1990

What did Amundsen do in Antarctica?

Raoul Amundsen led the team of people who first set foot on land at the South Pole in Antarctica.

What explorers led key expeditions?

Famous explorers who led key expeditions include Christopher Columbus, who led the first European expedition to the Americas in 1492; Lewis and Clark, who explored the American West in the early 19th century; and Roald Amundsen, who led the first successful expedition to the South Pole in 1911.

When did Spanish explorers first reach California?

The Spanish explorers first reached California in 1542, led by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. They landed in what is now San Diego.

What explorers led the first expedition up the st. Lawrence river?

Jaques Cartier 1535

What was the group of explorers called in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The group of explorers in the Lewis and Clark expedition were known as the Corps of Discovery. Led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, they set out to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory in the early 1800s.